These individuals are the ones who cannot listen to any sound below 70 dB and above 95 dB. No necessary only surfer's may suffer from Exostosis (surfer`s ear), people who are into sports like skiing, fishing, sailing, kayaking, diving, etc can become the victim. This type of impairment may be caused by the normal aging process, genetic disorders, birth defects, loud noise exposures, head injuries, diseases (e.g., Meniere's Disease, measles, meningitis, etc.), and certain types of potent medications that affect the inner ear sensory cells.
The areas of Serenity prime can indicate what type of loss you have. Hearing center testing can help diagnose this issue. There are times when conductive Serenity prime is coupled with sensorineural Serenity prime.
When the loss is sensorineural in nature, the treatment can include a hearing aid or cochlear implants. This can occur, for example, when an individual has earwax buildup along with Serenity prime due to nerve damage. Using sign language for communication can also be useful in cases of extreme Serenity prime. Chicken pox, if the mother contracts it while she is pregnant, can cause a loss of hearing in unborn infants.
Effective treatments like the Tinnitus Retraining Therapy can help you do that. Words classified as spondees (two-syllable words that have equal stress on each syllable) will be played into your ears for you to repeat. Hearing aids tuck easily inside or behind the ear.
Here is a real shocker - a rock concert alone or the general traffic noise due to the continuous honking produce more than 110 -120db. This type of hearing impairment may also be called: sensory loss, inner ear loss, cochlear hearing impairment, nerve deafness or nerve loss. One of the most telling signs that you might be experiencing Serenity prime is when a trusted friend or family member brings up the topic.