Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Dec 14, 2020
Check Out Arcade Heroes’ Latest Eugene Jarvis Interview
Adam Pratt of Arcade Heroes spoke with Raw Thrills co-founder Eugene Jarvis on his work in game development, the effect of COVID-19 on...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Dec 14, 2020
Genres I'd Like to See Represented in Arcades
Arcades are fun. The games within arcades—you know, arcade games—are also fun. These are two claims I feel very confident making public....

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Dec 7, 2020
Difficult Arcade Games are Infuriating in the Best Possible Way
Let’s not mince words here: Some arcade games are super-duper difficult. In fact, when playing on quarters, extremely extenuating...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Nov 30, 2020
Astral Chain (Nintendo Switch) Review
The Nintendo Switch is an awesome console, a fact made all too clear by its astounding library of games. The only “problem”? There are so...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Nov 28, 2020
Super Battle Princess Madelyn for Exa-Arcadia Looks Awesome
With every home-to-Exa port comes a host of exclusive additions intended to differentiate the original release from its coin-op...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Nov 24, 2020
Arcade Dreams Documentary Series Launches on Kickstarter
There’s a new arcade documentary in town. Dubbed the “definitive arcade documentary series” by its creators, Arcade Dreams documents the...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Nov 23, 2020
Fugitive Hunter: War on Terror (PlayStation 2) Review
Recently, I’ve been strangely fixated on experiencing critically disparaged games firsthand. I went so far as to look up the “worst games...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Nov 16, 2020
George of the Jungle and the Search for the Secret (PlayStation 2) Review
As part of my recent initiative to play critically panned games on purpose, I picked up unassuming licensed relic George of the Jungle...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Nov 9, 2020
Looney Tunes: Acme Arsenal (PlayStation 2) Review
There are a good number of games from my childhood, mostly on the PlayStation 2, that I absolutely adored at the time but was never able...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Nov 2, 2020
Marvel Super Hero Squad (PlayStation 2) Review
From a very young age, I’ve been a fan of the comic book medium and the superheroes that comprise it. (Remember back when my blog was...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Oct 28, 2020
Murray Entertainment Businesses Persist Despite Pandemic
Note: I initially wrote this piece for a class and liked it so much that I decided to publish it here. Enjoy, nerds. While the COVID-19...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Oct 26, 2020
7 Spooky Arcade Games for the Halloween Season
The time is upon us, people—that grand ol’ period of the year in which all the kiddos dress up and beg for candy at the doorsteps of...