Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Oct 19, 2020
Casper: Spirit Dimensions (PlayStation 2) Review
Casper: Spirit Dimensions marks the latest title completed in my quirky quest to experience underappreciated (and often critically...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Oct 12, 2020
Free Races for First Place are Fun
Something I’ll forever and always appreciate is a rewarding arcade game. And while a reward can come in many different forms, I think my...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Oct 7, 2020
Jersey Jack Announces Guns 'N' Roses Pinball
Jersey Jack Pinball announced the Guns ‘N’ Roses “Not In This Lifetime” pinball machine October 5, with orders going up later that day....

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Oct 7, 2020
High Scores Arcade Owners Push Forward in the Face of COVID-19 Closure
Alameda, California-based arcade musem High Scores Arcade has fought an uphill battle in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Even so,...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Oct 5, 2020
Club Exa Gamers Lounge to Open Later This Year
World Game Circus and Show Me Holdings announced September 29 that Club Exa Gamers Lounge will open in Tokyo, Japan, by the end of this...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Oct 2, 2020
G.A.M.E.: How One Murray State Club Has Adapted to COVID-19
Note: I initially wrote this piece for a class and liked it so much that I decided to publish it here. Also, one of the interviewees...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Sep 25, 2020
Check Out the Indie Arcade Wave Podcast on YouTube
Indie Arcade Wave is a set of social media pages I’ve been meaning to cover for a long time. There’s no better encapsulation of what I...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Sep 16, 2020
BACTA Cancels EAG 2021 Due to COVID-19
The British Amusement Catering Trade Association (BACTA) recently decided to cancel 2021’s Entertainment, Attractions & Gaming (EAG)...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Sep 14, 2020
Onion Soup Interactive Announces Nippon Marathon 2 Kickstarter
Onion Soup Interactive surprised dropped an unlisted teaser trailer for a Nippon Marathon 2 Kickstarter campaign September 10. Before...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Sep 14, 2020
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun (PlayStation 2) Review
Despite having my own set of personal preferences, I always try my darnedest to expand my gaming horizons, seeking out genres and titles...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Sep 9, 2020
My Thoughts on Outnumbered by LAI Games
I’ve been waiting a long, long time to write this article—and for good reason. Since its announcement in 2019, my thoughts on Outnumbered...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Sep 7, 2020
IAAPA Expo 2020 Canceled Due to COVID-19
IAAPA Expo 2020, the most prominent annual amusements industry trade show, has been canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “IAAPA Expo...