Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Jul 8, 2020
I Adore Pretty Graphics in Arcade Games
For as long as I can remember, I haven’t been one to prioritize flashy graphics in video games. To me, the quality of gameplay—as well as...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Jul 6, 2020
Buzz! Junior: Jungle Party (PlayStation 2) Review
My parents are not really video game people, especially my mother. (Somehow, some way, I became the arcade guy I am in spite of this...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Jun 29, 2020
The Future of Wilcox Arcade
Hello, dear readers of Wilcox Arcade. Have I told you how much you kind folks mean to me? Spoiler alert: Anyone who’s ever read my blog...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Jun 25, 2020
LAI Games Launches ‘The Player’s Voice: Arcade Survey’
LAI Games launched “The Player’s Voice: Arcade Survey” on June 24 in an effort to hear thoughts directly from players following COVID-19...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Jun 24, 2020
The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius: Jet Fusion (PlayStation 2) Review
I received The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius: Jet Fusion for Christmas in 2017. I asked my parents for the game knowing full...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Jun 23, 2020
UEDI Developers Play Through Demo and Reveal Exclusive Content in Stream
Onion Soup Interactive developers Andy and Amy Madin played through the UEDI: Shadow of the Citadel demo and revealed exclusive in-game...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Jun 22, 2020
Step Revolution Announces New StepManiaX Songs for June 2020
Step Revolution posted a YouTube video June 17 unveiling the slate of eight new songs coming to arcade dance game StepManiaX this month....

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Jun 22, 2020
TouchMagix Implements COVID-19 Attract Mode PSAs
TouchMagix USA has the honor of being the arcade game manufacturer to push out a COVID-19 awareness initiative thanks to the “Play safe...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Jun 18, 2020
American Pinball’s Hot Wheels Gets a Teaser Trailer
American Pinball released a teaser trailer on June 16 for upcoming release Hot Wheels, offering a brief glimpse at the gameplay...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Jun 18, 2020
Nicktoons Nitro (Arcade) Review
Today’s review is something a little different—something I hope you’ll enjoy. Way back in January/February of 2017, I reviewed what is,...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Jun 17, 2020
UEDI: Shadow of the Citadel Demo Drops This Week for Steam Game Festival
Onion Soup Interactive announced yesterday that a 20-minute UEDI: Shadow of the Citadel demo will be playable this week as part of Steam...

Dustin Wilcox (Admin)
Jun 17, 2020
Arcade Game Manufacturers Demonstrate Solidarity With the Black Community on Social Media
In light of recent national events, more and more brands, including arcade game manufacturers, have used social media as a platform to...