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exA-Arcadia Hardware and Game Prices Confirmed

You know, I make no pretense toward my undying fondness for the exA-Arcadia platform. I think it’s completely kick-butt, I’m highly biased in its favor, and I want it to be a resounding success worldwide.

That being said, I’ve got some more exA news to share, courtesy of our arcade-lovin’ friend JBRPG. So that’s cool.

The last time we heard anything about the system price—seen in this Shmup ‘Em All interview from December 2018—we were given the ballpark price of $2,000 for one kit and as $1,000 to $1,500 for game cartridges.

Now, per the preorder listings on the official exA-Arcadia website, it is confirmed that games will cost $1,200 to $1,500; the hardware kit will cost $2,500; and hardware and game bundles will cost $3,500 to $4,000.

Let’s break the prices down by title and bundle.

It appears that there’s a clear distinction between more “demanding” titles and lower-budget fare. And though, yes, these are all indie releases, I think it’s good not all are priced equally.

As I mentioned prior, all of these figures come straight from preorder selections on the “exA-Arcadia Shop”. If you click on a listing, you’ll find the game description and a notice that the “item will be released at a future date.”

The only problem? Each listing also states that they are “No longer available for pre-ordering.”

To my knowledge, there was no announcement that preorders had begun, let alone concluded, so I’m a bit confused. Most likely, the exA-Arcadia shop page has been posted now for later use. Until we get official word, though, the purpose of the preorder listings is unclear.

All I know is that it's really, really good to see something—anything—regarding the worldwide exA-Arcadia release. Following exA-Arcadia on Twitter…well, I’ve been ever-so-slightly envious of the Japan location tests.

This has seriously been the most agonizing wait in all of arcade history. But I firmly believe our patience will be duly rewarded. Someday.

In the meantime, I’ll keep checking on the exA-Arcadia web pages for more news. See ya ‘round, ya sweaty nerds.


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