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My Favorite Arcade Content Creators

Arcade games are pretty great. And though there may be ups and downs, I think that’s something we can all agree upon. So it should come as no surprise that so many not only enjoy the games but content about the games, too.

While there are countless content creators covering the ticket redemption, pinball, and rhythm gaming scenes, I want to highlight those who create content about video arcade games in a general sense. I want to bring to light our community.

Each of these creators is special in their own way. Without further fluff, let’s dive into what they do.


Mike Tomasz

Mike Tomasz is the YouTube personality behind the “Arcade Recall” series. Arcade Recall delves into various older coin-op titles from a perspective that’s half his childhood and half absolute hilarity.

Previously going going by the “Multi Monitor Mike” moniker, Tomasz started his staple series with “Arcade Recall: Metal Slug” 7 long years ago. He entered a hiatus after his House of the Dead retrospective in December 2015 and returned briefly with three videos in 2018.

To be honest, I miss his content dearly. Not everything he said elicited an out-loud laugh from me, but it always felt really good. Maybe he’ll bless us with more videos one day. Until then, I strongly encourage you to watch his existing lineup.


Arcade Tokyo

Arcade Tokyo is a unique blog following photographer/writer Roland as he documents Japan’s arcade culture. The blog drops you directly onto the game floors of the East through narratives that are simultaneously professional and conversational in their delivery.

The blog started in January 2018 with the “Arcade Tokyo Concept Video,” and since then, the Arcade Tokyo brand has grown to include Instagram and Twitter pages, as well as the “Arcade Tokyo Weekly” mailing list featuring exclusive content.

While I can’t honestly say I read each and every post, I can affirm that Roland’s photography is gorgeous. If you want more insight into the world of Japanese arcades—or if you just like looking at pictures of arcade games—I recommend checking out Arcade Tokyo.


The Arcade Hunters

The Arcade Hunters are a duo of...well, arcade-hunting gamers, Gerard Buchko and Nick Lombardo, showcasing the coin-op fun they find in their travels. Following The Arcade Hunters blog, YouTube channel, and social media pages feels like tracking your buddies as they duck into arcades and laundromats to play their favorite games.

Even though I don't watch every video, I make sure to tune in when The Arcade Hunters review more slightly more obscure releases, such as Nintendo's Popeye and Global VR's Justice League Heroes United. I love experiencing these titles vicariously through them.

Recently, one of the hunters started working at The Pinball Dudes in Jupiter, Florida, so they've been able to showcase more pinball machines than ever before. If you like retro arcade gaming goodness rooted deeply in '80s nostalgia, The Arcade Hunters are the creators for you.


Arcade Hollywood

Arcade Hollywood is a YouTube channel dedicated to the host’s hobby of restoring and collecting arcade and pinball machines. The channel includes arcade/game room tours, tournament recaps, and lot and lots of repair videos.

I fell in love with Arcade Hollywood for its supremely professional format and, more specifically, the arcade tours. Even though I still like the channel, I must admit that I hardly ever watch the repair videos. Not my kind of thing, ya know?

All in all, while I do really like what this creator is doing, I can only recommend his content to you if you’re interested in the inner components of arcade games. If you are, you’ll love Arcade Hollywood.



Combo.Zone is a new arcade-related web series hosted by “QP,” the first episode of which was released in August 2019. This podcast has so far documented two excellent indie arcades games, Skycurser and Killer Queen, with Death Ball and Cosmotrons installments projected for later release.

I only just recently started listening to Combo.Zone, so I’m not super familiar with the series or its creator. Even so, I’ve enjoyed what I’ve heard so far. If you, like me, devour all the indie arcade game content you can get, I’d say Combo.Zone is worth checking out.


Arcade Heroes

Arcade Heroes is what I consider the premiere online arcade news source. These days, Arcade Heroes content can be accessed across multiple platforms, including the original blog, a YouTube channel, and social media.

Arcade Heroes launched in 2006 to fill the gaping void in arcade coverage that we coin-op gamers still have to combat even now. Since then, many writers have come and gone. Adam Pratt is the current site owner and writer.

If you’re an arcade fanatic, chances are you come in contact with Arcade Heroes on a regular basis. If not, I seriously recommend catching up on the blog. (Adam tends to get the best scoops first, haha.)


Arcade Belgium

Arcade Belgium is the other de facto arcade happenings channel, covering practically everything from around the world. Through their website, forum, and social media pages, writers for Arcade Belgium have pumped out consistent material since 2003.

In addition to news coverage, Arcade Belgium provides free services for arcade operators, freeplay arcade games at parties and conventions, and Belgian arcade listing. While I, for obvious geographical reasons, cannot take advantage of these local benefits, I can fully attest to the quality of Arcade Belgium's journalism. (I cross-check tons of information using their forums way too much for my own good.)

As with Arcade Heroes, Arcade Belgium is a fantastic resource for coin-op gamers, especially for those interested in the Japanese scene. I totally recommend checking it out.


Listen: I love the arcade community. As such, I sincerely hope that today’s article will help you connect with others in this space. It’s certainly never a bad thing to have more arcade stuff to watch, read, and listen to.

And if you know of any other awesome content creators I didn’t list here, please share them with me. Y’all know I like chatting up a storm on Twitter.

Until next time, I’m out. Keep it real, ya sweaty nerds.


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