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California Extreme Holds Digital Event for 2020 Due to Coronavirus

The 24th annual California Extreme will be presented as a virtual event due to concerns over COVID-19, according to a June 3 website post.

(Thanks to Wilcox Arcade reader JBRPG for the tip. Always appreciated, my friend.)s

“We are saddened to announce that, due to guidance by the State of California and County of Santa Clara health officials, California Extreme will not be able to be held in its usual form this year at the Hyatt Regency,” said the Extreme team in the post.

For those not in the know—though I’m sure you are—California Extreme is annual expo dedicated to honoring the history of classic pinball and video arcade games.

The organization is taking measures to ensure the event is just as vibrant as it would have been in person in lieu of the digital transition.

“We will instead put on a virtual show on July 25th including speakers, demonstrations, streaming, remote play, vendor specials, and whatever we (including you) can come up with,” the team continued. “This is new territory for us, so if you have something you'd like to contribute, please let us know at We plan to offer t-shirts and badges to commemorate our 24th annual event, and we can still have a great weekend while practicing distant socializing.”

It is yet to be announced what specifically this will include. I myself plan to reach out to California Extreme and see if there’s anything I can offer.

“Those who make hotel reservations in our block of rooms will have those automatically cancelled by the hotel in a few weeks (or feel free to cancel on your own),” the team said.

The team encourages fans to check back at their official website for updates “as they occur.” As the arcade blog guy, I certainly plan on staying aware.

Regardless of the change in format, I’m certainly looking forward to what’s in store at California Extreme 2020.


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